Interesting Cardiac Case Studies
- Pericardial Tamponade
- Post-Biventricular Defibrillator
- Thrombus
- PFO and Pulmonary Embolus
- Large Sinus of Valsalva Aneurysm with Clot Formation
- Large Secundum ASD
Upon completion of this enduring material, you should be able to accomplish the following:
- Identify abnormally rare pathologies and the required echo views and windows to properly make a diagnosis
- List critical thinking steps needed to properly image abnormal pathologies
- Identify advanced quantifications that can be utilized to assist in diagnosis
- Utilize history, presenting diagnosis, and patient information to help guide echo examination
Date of Original Release: 3/23/2015
This edition valid for credit through: 3/23/2018
Video Length: 0:51:00
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