Ultrasound Evaluation of Gynecological Pathology
- Gynecological pathology
- Vagina
- Cul-de-Sac & Cervix
- Uterine enlargement
- Uterine variants
- Myometrial abnormalities
- Endometrium
- Ovaries
Upon completion of this enduring material, you should be able to accomplish the following:
- Increase knowledge/competence to better perform and/or interpret gynecological pathology
- Differentiate normal and abnormal sonographic findings in the female pelvis
- Recognize the sonographic appearances of the more common pelvic pathology
- Differentiate benign from malignant Cervical pathology
- List the causes of uterine enlargement
- Identify the sonographic appearance of a uterine polyp
Date of Original Release: 12/7/2015
This edition valid for credit through: 12/7/2018
Video Length: 0:54:00
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