Ultrasound Evaluation of the Upper Extremity Venous System
- Upper Extremity Venous Anatomy
- Upper Extremity Venous Physiology
- Clinical History and Symptoms
- Vascular Hemodynamics
- Normal/Abnormal Venous Imaging
- Duplex/Color Characteristics
- Case Studies
Upon completion of this enduring material , you should be able to accomplish the following:
- Evaluate and identify upper extremity venous anatomy
- State normal and abnormal venous Doppler characteristics
- Implement routine scan protocols for performing an upper extremity venous evaluation
- Recognize normal vs. abnormal venous Doppler characteristics
- Recognize and differentiate characteristics of acute vs. chronic DVT
Date of Original Release: 5/5/2016
This edition valid for credit through: 5/5/2019
Video Length: 0:41:00
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