Advanced MSK Ultrasound-Guided Procedures for Rehabilitation Medicine
- Ultrasound-Guided Tenotomy
- Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous nerve decompression
- Carpal Tunnel and ulnar compression syndromes
- Regenerative medicine
- Prolotherapy: Autologous blood products, bone marrow cell, and fat-derived cells
- Pitfalls and benefits of ultrasound-guided MSK intervention techniques
At the completion of the program the participant should be able to:
- Outline new ultrasound guided procedures for ligament and tendon injuries
- State the role of ultrasound in nerve entrapment syndromes
- List the benefits and pitfalls of office based ultrasound-guided procedures.
Date of Original Release: 5/28/2014
This edition valid for credit through: 5/28/2018
Video Length: 1:02:00
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