Introduction to 2D/M-Mode Adult Echocardiography
Program Topics:
- Indications and Sound Fundamentals
- Cardiac Anatomy
- Electro-Physiology
- The Comprehensive Exam
- 2D and M-Mode Measurements
Upon completion of this video activity, the viewer should be able to accomplish the following:
- Cite the indications and advantages of performing a comprehensive transthoracic echocardiogram
- Identify and describe normal cardiac anatomy, cardiac physiology and cardiac circulation.
- List the normal 3-lead ECG components and its role in echocardiography
- Demonstrate proper probe orientation and essential scanning maneuvers to optimize imaging in each window.
- Perform a routine 2-D cardiac ultrasound evaluation.
- Apply the routine 2-D and M-mode measurements.
- Increase knowledge/competence to better perform and/or interpret a routine transthoracic echocardiogram.
Date of Original Release: 5/6/2013
This edition valid for credit through: 5/6/2019
Video Length: 1:51:00
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