Obstetrical Case Studies
- Contributory factors to birth defects
- Chromosome abnormalities
- Structural abnormalities
- Acrania/anencephaly
- Hydrocephaly
- Placental abnormalities
- Cleft lip/palate and other facial abnormalities
- Gastroschisis/Omphalocele
- Abdominal mass
- Skeletal dysplasia’s
Upon completion of this enduring material, you should be able to accomplish the following:
- Increase knowledge to perform and interpret OB ultrasound examinations
- List diagnostic criteria for evaluation of commonly seen fetal abnormalities
- Recognize ultrasound characteristics of the following fetal abnormalities: Acrania/anencephaly, CCAM, Hydrocephaly, Placental abnormalities, Cleft lip/palate and other facial abnormalities, Gastroschisis/Omphalocele, Abdominal mass, and Skeletal dysplasia’s
Date of Original Release: 9/15/2016
This edition valid for credit through: 9/15/2019
Video Length: 00:45:00
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