Ultrasound Evaluation of the Spine and Injection Techniques
- Lumbar epidural steroid injections
- Caudal injections
- SI joint injections
- Cervical spine interventions
- Benefits of prolotherapy
- Treatment considerations for the lumbar and cervical spine
Upon completion of this enduring material, you should be able to accomplish the following:
- Increase participant’s knowledge to perform and interpret musculoskeletal ultrasound
- Identify the anatomy of the lumbar and cervical spine that are best evaluated with ultrasound
- Outline ultrasound-guided injection techniques for lumbar and cervical spine interventions
- List the diagnostic considerations for performing ultrasound-guided intervention for the spine
- State the role of ultrasound guided prolotherapy as a treatment option for the spine
Date of Original Release: 5/17/2017
This edition valid for credit through: 5/17/2020
Video Length: 01:25:00
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