Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks for the Emergency Physician
- Overview/history
- Needles/supplies
- Anatomic territories
- Axial brachial plexus block
- Forearm nerve blocks
- Supraclavicular brachial plexus block
- Femoral
- Foot nerve blocks
- Technical/procedural pointers
Upon completion of this enduring material activity, you should be able to accomplish the following:
- Cite the anatomic territories covered by specific regional nerve blocks
- Recognize the sonographic appearance of individual nerves and nerve plexuses on ultrasound
- List the common principles that apply to all ultrasound guided nerve blocks
- Provide technical and procedural pointers that improve block success and enhance patient safety
- List the advantages provided when ultrasound is used for performing regional nerve blocks
- Increase knowledge and competence to perform ultrasound-guided nerve blocks in the emergency department
Date of Original Release: 7/22/2013
This edition valid for credit through: 6/27/2019
Video Length: 1:23:00
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