Cardiac Case Study Series: Cardiac Masses
Primary Benign Tumors:
- Myxoma
- Papillary Fibroelastoma
- Lipoma
- Rhabdomyoma
- Fibroma
Non-Primary (Metastatic Tumors):
- Melanoma to the right atrium
- Breast cancer to pericardium
- Renal cell carcinoma
- Mediastinal mass
- Carcinoid heart disease
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Other Masses:
- Thrombus
- Endocarditis
- Left Atrial Thrombus
- Right Heart thrombus
- IVC Clot
- Straddle Pulmonary Embolus
- Clot on Pacemaker Wire
- Endocarditis
Normal Variants and Mimickers:
- Lambl’s Excrescences
- Nodules of Arantius
- Redundant MV Leaflets and Chordae Tendineae
- Fatty TV Annulus
- IAS Aneurysm; Dilated Coronary Sinus
- Pectinate Muscles in the Appendage
- Chiari Network
- Eustachian Valve
- Moderator Band
- False Tendons
- Ventricular Non-Compaction
Upon completion of this enduring material, you should be able to accomplish the following:
- Identify sonographic findings associated with benign and malignant cardiac masses
- Recognize echocardiographic findings and clinical symptoms that present in patients with cardiac masses.
- Demonstrate the participant’s knowledge to better perform and/or interpret cases related to cardiac masses with echocardiography
Date of Original Release: 8/1/2016
This edition valid for credit through: 8/1/2019
Video Length: 0:45:00
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