Anesthesiology BASIC Board Review Course 2017 (The PassMachine) (CME Videos)
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this program, participants should be able to:
- Describe the fundamentals of current anesthetic procedures.
- Explain regional anesthesia.
- Develop a plan for pain management and painful disease states.
- Evaluate complications.
Evaluation of the Patient & Preoperative Preparation (1.5 Hours)
Bobbie-Jean Sweitzer, MD
Gastrointestinal & Hepatic Systems (1 Hour)
Bobbie-Jean Sweitzer, MD
Endocrine & Metabolic Systems (1.5 Hours)
Bobbie-Jean Sweitzer, MD
Neuromuscular Diseases & Disorders (1 Hour)
Bobbie-Jean Sweitzer, MD
Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) (1.5 Hours)
Hernando De Soto, MD
Mathematics (1.5 Hours)
Joshua Lumbley, MD, MBA
Central & Peripheral Nervous System (2 Hours)
Joshua Lumbley, MD, MBA
Respiratory System (1 Hour)
Joshua Lumbley, MD, MBA
Complications (1.5 Hours)
Joshua Lumbley, MD, MBA
Postoperative Period (1 Hour)
Joshua Lumbley, MD, MBA
Anatomy (1.5 Hours)
Naveen Nathan, MD
Physics, Patient Monitoring & Defibrillators (4.5 Hours)
Naveen Nathan, MD
Regional Anesthesia (2 Hours)
Naveen Nathan, MD
Renal & Urinary Systems/Electrolyte Balance (1 Hour)
Naveen Nathan, MD
Hematologic System (2.5 Hours)
Naveen Nathan, MD
General Anesthesia (1.5 Hours)
Naveen Nathan, MD
Intravenous Fluid Therapy (1 Hour)
Naveen Nathan, MD
Physician Impairment, Ethics & Medicolegal Issues (1 Hour)
Naveen Nathan, MD
Pharmacology: General Principles and Inhaled Anesthetics (1.5 Hours)
Robert Fong, MD, PhD
Pharmacology: Intravenous Agents (1 Hour)
Robert Fong, MD, PhD
Cardiovascular System (2 Hours)
Robert Fong, MD, PhD