The COVID-19 Pandemic: a Tribute to the Corona Whistleblowers (ORIGINAL PDF from Publisher)
The Corona hype, the Corona panic, has manifested the common cold as a brand new disease. What we present here is the psychosomatic hypothesis for COVID-19. We are living in a time of change. It is easy to assume that we live in a safe and stabile world, but the Corona COVID-19 pandemic has shown the whole world that this is not the case. Mighty forces changes our way of living, thinking and things changes fast. It is difficult to understand what is happening, for you need to be an expert in many different fields in order to really get it: medicine, economy and politics. You even need psychology, sociology and maybe even consciousness-research to fully comprehend what we are dealing with in the 2019-2020 Corona pandemic. This book tries to give you sufficient background in different areas to at least get an idea of what is happening around us in all parts of the world.
Product details
- Hardcover : 344 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1536181463
- ISBN-13 : 978-1536181463
- Publisher : Nova Science Publishers, Inc (9 July 2020)
- Language: : English