- Chapter assignment tables at the beginning of chapters guide you through textbook and study guide assignments, and make it easy to track your progress.
- Laboratory assignment tables list the procedures in each chapter, including study guide page number references, and indicate the procedures shown on the DVDs.
- A pretest and posttest in each chapter measure your understanding with 10 true/false questions.
- Key term assessments include exercises to help in reviewing and mastering new vocabulary.
- Evaluation of Learning questions let you assess your understanding, evaluate progress, and prepare for the certification examination.
- Critical thinking activities let you apply your knowledge to real-life situations.
- Practice for Competency sections offer extra practice on clinical skills presented in the book.
- Evaluation of Competency checklists evaluate your performance versus stated objectives and updated CAAHEP performance standards.
- Updated content includes exercises for topics such as electronic medical records, advanced directives, HIPAA, emergency preparedness, ICD-10 coding, documentation, medical office technology, medical asepsis, vital signs, pediatrics, colonoscopy, IV therapy, and CLIA waived tests.
- New activities provide practice for the Today’s Medical Assistant textbook’s newest and most up-to-date content.
- New Emergency Protective Practices for the Medical Office chapter includes procedures, critical thinking questions, and other activities to help you understand emergency preparedness.
- New Wheelchair Transfer Procedure and Evaluation of Competency checklist includes a step-by-step guide to this important procedure.
- New video evaluation worksheets on the Evolve companion website reinforce the procedures demonstrated on the textbook DVDs.
- New practicum and externship activities on Evolve provide practice with real-world scenarios.
- Paperback: 1328 pages
- Publisher: Saunders; 2 edition (October 24, 2012)
- Language: English
- Type : PDF
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- Payment methods: Visa or master card (Paypal)
Study Guide for Today’s Medical Assistant: Clinical & Administrative Procedures, 2e 2nd Edition
Use this study tool to master the content from your Today’s Medical Assistant: Clinical & Administrative Procedures, 2nd Edition textbook! Corresponding to the chapters in the textbook by Kathy Bonewit-West, Sue Hunt, and Edith Applegate, this study guide helps you understand and apply the material with practical exercises, activities, flashcards, checklists, review questions, and more.
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