- Robert L oddenkemper, MD, Professor, For mer Head of Depart ment of Pneumology II, Lungenklinik Heckeshorn, HELIOS -Klinikum Emil von Behring, Berlin, Ger many
- Praveen N. Mathur, MD, Professor of Clinical Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA
- Marc Noppen, MD, PhD, A ssociate Professor, Free University of Brussels, VUB, Chief Executive Of f icer and Head, Interventional Endoscopy Clinic, University Hospital UZ Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
- Pyng Lee, MD, A ssociate Professor, Division of Respiratory and Critical Care, Department of Medicine, National University Hospital, Singapore
- Diagnostic and therapeutic indications reflect new technology such as the semi-rigid/semi-flexible pleuroscope, CT/MR imaging, and video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS)
- Over 150 full-color endoscopic photographs and 120 figures enhance the text
- An accompanying DVD contains video clips of 8 typical clinical cases, plus practical information on the use of talc poudrage, the induction of a pneumothorax, and more
A detailed guide to the latest endoscopic techniques in interventional pulmonology
In Medical Thoracoscopy/Pleuroscopy: Manual and Atlas, international experts explain the current methodology and demonstrate different technical approaches to medical thoracoscopy/pleuroscopy (MT/P) in the diagnosis and treatment of pleuropulmonary diseases.
A combination of instructive manual and atlas, this book presents clinical cases with indications, techniques, and outcomes for each procedure. In the ‘Atlas’, endoscopic photographs demonstrate the application of this minimally invasive technique in various pathologies, from pleural effusion to various manifestations of lung cancer.
This comprehensive visual guide is an indispensable primer for residents and fellows in pulmonology or pneumology, and for respiratory physicians, internists, or thoracic surgeons.
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