- Hardcover: 1488 pages
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education / Medical; 8 edition (December 29, 2017)
- Language: English
- Format: PDF
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Fleischer’s Sonography in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Eighth Edition 8th Edition PDF
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The definitive guide to sonography in obstetrics and gynecology―thoroughly updated and enhanced by the addition of teaching cases
This acclaimed guide is a clinically relevant reference text, an atlas, and a teaching/learning resource. Presented in full color and enriched by more than 2,000 illustrations, it expertly examines the full spectrum of disorders and conditions likely to be encountered in gynecologic and maternal-fetal care. You will find expert, all-inclusive coverage of everything from sonographic operating instruments and screening the fetal patient for syndromes and anomalies, to diagnosing the female patient for cysts, infertility, and incontinence.
This edition has been updated to include coverage of the latest procedures and diagnostic guidelines for the use of sonography in ob/gyn, including 3D and 4D US and enhanced image processing, contrast enhanced sonography, ultrasound guided fetal therapy, sonographic evaluation of pelvic pain, and much more. The Eighth Edition also features an extensive series of teaching cases. Each case consists of the patient’s medical history, representative US images, cineloop videos, Q&A, and teaching points with references.
Fleischer’s Sonography in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Eighth Edition opens with general obstetric sonography, covering such pivotal topics as normal pelvic anatomy and fetal echocardiography, before moving into fetal anomalies and disorders. Risk assessment and therapy, including first trimester screening and amniocentesis, are explored in the next section, while the remaining parts of the book focus on maternal disorders, gynecologic sonography, and the newest complementary imaging modalities.
The definitive guide to sonography in obstetrics and gynecology―thoroughly updated and enhanced by the addition of teaching cases
This acclaimed guide is a clinically relevant reference text, an atlas, and a teaching/learning resource. Presented in full color and enriched by more than 2,000 illustrations, it expertly examines the full spectrum of disorders and conditions likely to be encountered in gynecologic and maternal-fetal care. You will find expert, all-inclusive coverage of everything from sonographic operating instruments and screening the fetal patient for syndromes and anomalies, to diagnosing the female patient for cysts, infertility, and incontinence.
This edition has been updated to include coverage of the latest procedures and diagnostic guidelines for the use of sonography in ob/gyn, including 3D and 4D US and enhanced image processing, contrast enhanced sonography, ultrasound guided fetal therapy, sonographic evaluation of pelvic pain, and much more. The Eighth Edition also features an extensive series of teaching cases. Each case consists of the patient’s medical history, representative US images, cineloop videos, Q&A, and teaching points with references.
Fleischer’s Sonography in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Eighth Edition opens with general obstetric sonography, covering such pivotal topics as normal pelvic anatomy and fetal echocardiography, before moving into fetal anomalies and disorders. Risk assessment and therapy, including first trimester screening and amniocentesis, are explored in the next section, while the remaining parts of the book focus on maternal disorders, gynecologic sonography, and the newest complementary imaging modalities.
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