- A-Z synopses of 245 diseases and disorders, along with related collaborative care, serve as both a quick reference for clinical days and a study resource for essential information
- Streamlined format helps you focus more effectively on nursing care priorities
- Consistent collaborative care format helps you prepare for clinical days more efficiently.
- Special Considerations highlights call your attention to important aspects of nursing care, such as Genetic/Genomic Considerations, Considerations for Older Adults, Women’s Health Considerations, and Cultural Considerations.
- National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) icons help you provide safe and effective care by highlighting safety information identified in The Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals.
- Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing sections provide a quick, one-stop review of eight concepts that are critical to medical-surgical nursing practice.
- A-Z thumb tabs along the edges of the pages facilitate quick access to clinical information for just-in-time learning and review at the bedside.
- 10 quick-reference appendices provide need-to-know, quick-reference coverage of common or important clinical topics
- Guide to Head-To-Toe Physical Assessment of Adults
- Terminology Associated With Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
- Laboratory Values
- Interventions for Common Environmental Emergencies
- Chemical and Biological Agents of Terrorism
- Discharge Planning
- Electrocardiographic Complexes, Segments, and Intervals
- The Patient Requiring Intubation and Mechanical Ventilation
- The Patient Requiring Chest Tubes
- Communication Quick Reference for Spanish-Speaking Patients
- Updated content matches the Ignatavicius & Workman textbook for a reliably seamless reference and study experience.
- UNIQUE! Nursing Safety Priorities highlights have been refined and divided into three types of Nursing Safety Priority highlights: Drug Alert!, Critical Rescue!, and Action Alert! to help you recognize critical situations in which the patient’s health or very life may be in jeopardy.
- Increased use of color improves table readability and highlights headings and new Nursing Safety Priority boxes.
- Series: Clinical Companion (Elsevier)
- Paperback: 848 pages
- Publisher: Saunders; 7 edition (February 21, 2012)
- Language: English
- Type : PDF
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- Payment methods: Visa or master card (Paypal)
Clinical Companion for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, 7e
by Donna D. Ignatavicius MS RN ANEF (Author)
The Clinical Companion for Ignatavicius & Workman: Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, 7th Edition, is an easy-to-use, A-Z guide to 245 common medical-surgical conditions and their management. Written in a reader-friendly, direct-address style, this handbook is a convenient quick reference that you can carry with you on clinical days.
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