- Incorporate nationally recommended screening strategies for adults for health care maintenance;
- Implement appropriate health care maintenance for adult patients in the ambulatory setting;
- Implement appropriate screening and diagnosis of diabetes consistent with national guidelines;
- Employ effective strategies in management of Type 2 diabetes;
- Improve the approaches to diagnosis and classification of hypertension in adults;
- Adequately control chronic diseases states, such as hypertension and diabetes;
- Demonstrate increase competence in the treatment of hypertension and effectively manage adult hypertensive patients;
- Recognize and properly manage common surgical problems;
- Avoid antibiotic resistance in adults and children;
- Implement comprehensive immunization programs for infants and children;
- Provide approved treatment regimens for sexually transmitted infections;
- Incorporate evidence-based guidelines for preventative medicine and standard of care to improve obstetric and office gynecologic outcomes.
- Format: 97 Video Files (.mp4 format).
- File Size: 29.3 GB.
UCSF Family Medicine Board Review On Demand 2018
Family Medicine Board Review On Demand provides a review of common problems encountered in Primary Care. The format is designed to help prepare eligible candidates for the American Board of Family Medicine examination and to assist practitioners with strategies to improve their patient care. Presentations will cover a broad range of important clinical information in a board review format.
In addition to providing Maintenance of Certification (MC-FP) board exam preparation, this course also serves as a review of the fundamentals and clinical best practices to improve your patient care. Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding and Menopause
Acute Pain Management
Adult Nutrition
Adult Wound Care
Angina, Acute Coronary Syndrome, and Congestive Heart Failure
Antepartum Fetal Surveillance and Intrapartum FHR Monitoring
Arthritis Rheumatology
Behavior and Development Topics in Pediatrics
Bleeding in Pregnancy
Buprenorphine Initiation and Management in Primary Care
Care of the Older Female Patient
Case Discussions from Primary Care Part 1
Case Discussions from Primary Care Part 2 Polysubstance Use
Cervical Cytology and Contraception
Chronic Diseases and Food Insecurity
Chronic Problems in Pediatrics
Clinical Problems in Childhood and Adolescence
Common Dermatoses in Children and Adults
Common Eye Conditions Every Primary Care Provider Should Know
Common Orthopaedic Problems and Sports Injuries
Common Problems in Psychiatry
Common Problems in the First Year
Common Pulmonary Emergencies
Common Pulmonary Problems
Contraception in Medically Complicated Women
Dementia and Primary Care
Dermatology, GI, and Pulmonary Topics
Diagnostic Approach to Adult Head and C-Spine Trauma
Diagnostic Approach to Pediatric Head and C-Spine Trauma
Emergency Medicine
Emergency Response to Cardiac Arrest
Essentials of Nephrology
Evaluating and Treating DyspepsiaGERD
First Do No Harm Integrative Approaches to Common Primary Care Problems
Fundamentals of Obstetrics
Gastrointestinal Emergencies
Healthcare for Immigrant and Refugee Populations
Healthcare Policy in 2017 Implications for Clinicians
High Yield GI for the Generalist
Hypertension and Valvular Disease Diagnosis and Treatment
Infectious Disease and Antimicrobials
Infectious Diseases in Children
Infectious Diseases of Pregnancy
Internal Medicine Part 2
Intrapartum Complications
Introduction and Welcome 2
Introduction and Welcome
Lumbar Spine and Pelvis
Management of Diabetes
Medical Complications 1
Medical Complications 2
Menopause Management
Mental Health and Women’s Health
Moving Beyond Cancer Primary Care of Cancer Survivors
Neurology Review
NormalAbnormal Labor Curves
Obstetrical Complications
Office Management of Common Breast Complaints
Opioid Prescribing in Primary Care Pain Treatment, Opioid Overuse and Substance Use Disorder
Other MSK Issues Trauma and Sports Conditions
Overview of Prenatal Care
Overview of Preventive Medicine for the Family Physician
Pedi 911 – Urgent and Emergent Problems
Pedi GI Mashup
Pediatric Mental Health
Pediatric Respiratory Emergencies
Pediatric Vaccination Refresher
Pelvic Pain
Performance Related issues
Post-exposure Prophylaxis Against HIV and Hepatitis B and C
Preventing and Managing IUD Complications
Preventing Opioid Overdose
Prevention and Screening of Breast Cancer
Problems of the Neonatal Period
Rapid ENT Procedues
Refresher on Diseases of the Thyroid, Parathyroid, Pituitary and Adrenal Gland
Sexually-transmitted Diseases
Shoulder and Neck Care
Skin and Soft Tissues
Sore Throats That Kill
Special Populations
Specialty Care
SUBSTANCE USE FORUM Decreasing Alcohol Use with Medications What Works
Surgical Problems in Primary Care
The Family Medicine Board Examination What to Expect
The Red Eye
The Well Child Visit
Updates in Managing Chronic Kidney Disease
Upper Extremity
Urinary Incontinence 2
Urinary Incontinence
Product Details