123Sonography Emergency Ultrasound BachelorClass 2019
The Emergency Ultrasound MasterClass will further improve your bedside ultrasound skills and expand your ability in other areas, particularly critical care and echocardiography, to make fast decisions for critically-ill patients with cardiac and pulmonary pathologies.
The Emergency Ultrasound MasterClass is designed to expand on the lessons taught in the Emergency BachelorClass by focusing on echocardiography, critical care, and resuscitation.
The class begins with an introduction to Doppler technology and how The Emergency Ultrasound BachelorClass teaches you how to apply different modalities of ultrasound in an emergency setting. It will enable you to make quick and important decisions in critical care situations for the benefit of your patients.
Ultrasound in emergency medicine is of utmost importance and one of the fastest growing applications of ultrasound.
With the Emergency BachelorClass, you will gain knowledge about the many applications of ultrasound in an emergency setting where time is crucial. The focus of this course is to train you to rapidly assess patients and make instant decisions while treating critically ill patients.
Within this course, you will learn important, potentially life-threatening pathologies of all major organ systems – aortic dissection and aortic rupture, hydronephrosis, free fluid in the abdomen, ectopic pregnancy, heart failure, pulmonary embolism, tumors and masses, and more.
With many examples and real cases, we will cover the fundamentals of imaging and instrumentation and you will learn to identify the appropriate equipment settings and transducer selection for different ultrasound applications and to understand variations in scanning protocols for the demonstration of pathologies in emergency medicine examinations. A special chapter is dedicated to ultrasound in Trauma where you will learn the eFAST protocol.
Topics And Speakers:
Introduction to Clinical Ultrasound
Ultrasound Physics
Abdominal & Retroperitoneal Anatomy
Abdominal & Retroperitoneal Pathology
Ultrasound Guided Vascular Access
Basic Cardiac Ultrasound
Female Pelvic Anatomy
Gynecologic Pathology
1st Trimester Pregnancy
Trauma Ultrasound
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