- Unique! A practical, three-pronged approach to psychotherapeutic management includes: 1) the therapeutic nurse-patient relationship, 2) psychopharmacology, and 3) milieu management.
- Unique! Norm’s Notes offer helpful tips from the lead author, Norman Keltner, at the beginning of each chapter, making it easier to understand difficult topics
- DSM-5 information is integrated throughout the text, along with updated content and NANDA content.
- Patient and Family Education boxes highlight information that the nurse should provide to patients and families.
- Nursing care plans highlight the nurse’s role in psychiatric care, emphasizing assessment, planning, nursing diagnoses, implementation, and evaluation for specific disorders.
- Case studies depict psychiatric disorders and show the development of effective nursing care strategies.
- NEW! Chapter on Models for Working with Psychiatric Patients revised as new chapter on Emotional Focused Model of Behavior.
- NEW! Update to various chapters within Unit III: Medication: Psychopharmacology, include the latest drugs used for managing psychiatric disorders.
- NEW! Update to Communicate Professionally chapter includes methods of communication including social media and other current forms of technology.
- NEW! Update to Variables Affecting The Therapeutic Environment: Violence and Suicide chapter reorganizes how the five-phase assault cycle is presented so it flows better and is easier to comprehend.
- NEW! Several of the clinical disorders chapters such as the Schizophrenia, Depressive Disorders, and Anxiety Disorders updated with the latest information on treatments and drugs.
- Paperback: 520 pages
- Publisher: Mosby; 8 edition (August 29, 2018)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0323479510
- ISBN-13: 978-0323479516
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Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition PDF
by Norman L. Keltner EdD RN CRNP (Author), Debbie Steele (Author)
Covering the field’s latest trends and treatments, Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition provides you with the solid, therapeutic skills you need to deliver safe and effective psychiatric nursing care. This new edition features a unique, three-pronged approach to psychotherapeutic management which emphasizes the nurse’s three primary tools: themselves and their relationship with patients, medications, and the environment. Written in a friendly, approachable style, this text clearly defines the nurse’s role in caring for individuals with psychiatric disorders like no other book on the market!
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