- Publisher : Springer; 2nd ed. 2020 edition (April 22, 2020)
- Language: : English
- Hardcover : 276 pages
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Pharmacy Practice Research Methods 2nd ed. 2020 Edition PDF
The first edition of Pharmacy Practice Research Methods provided a contemporary overview of pharmacy practice research, discussing relevant theories, methodologies, models and techniques. It included chapters on a range of quantitative, qualitative, action research and mixed methods as well as management theories underpinning change in pharmacy practice.
This new edition of the book is much broader and more diversified. It includes the quality improvement methods in pharmacy practice research, focusing on the key differences between high and low-income countries with regard to pharmacy practice research, as well as the main challenges faced when conducting such research – areas of significant global interest. In addition, a number of the chapters covering fast-moving fields where new methods have been developed and published have been updated. Featuring seven new topics and presenting future trends, the book also explains in detail methods used in covert and overt observations in pharmacy practice, as well as methods involved in realist research, which are important to countries seeking to produce evidence-based information in this area.
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