- Print Length: 250 pages
- Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 3 edition (August 17, 2011)
- Publication Date: August 17, 2011
- Language: English
Microscopic Haematology: a practical guide for the laboratory 3e
by Gillian Rozenberg (Author)
Microscopic Haematology, 3rd Edition: A practical guide for the laboratory has been fully updated in line with the current World Health Organisation classification.
In addition to providing a wealth of information on haematology, this excellent textbook for health professionals includes over 400 full colour haematological slides.
Microscopic Haematology, 3rd Edition: A practical guide for the laboratory is arranged in a logical, easy-to-follow order.
The guide commences with the red cell series and describes normoblastic erythropoiesis, abnormal erythropoiesis and all the red cell disorders associated with anaemia.
Each type of anaemia is described with minimal text and is accompanied by coloured haematological slides depicting red cell changes associated with the particular disorder. The platelet section adheres to the same format.
Microscopic Haematology, 3rd Edition: A practical guide for the laboratory also offers a section on paediatric haematology, outlining red cell, white cell and platelet disorders occurring in cord blood, the neonate and childhood.
The final section in this expansive health reference focuses on blood parasites and describes the four species of human malaria.
A description of characteristic features in each species as it occurs in the red cell is accompanied by images depicting the various stages of maturation of each malaria species.
Elsevier’s Evolve website provides an extensive ancillary package for students and lecturers, including • downloadable student content specific to Haematology I and II • interactive case studies for students with multiple choice questions for self directed learning • 17 detailed case studies to help lecturers develop differential diagnosis skills and problem solving skills with model answers • an image bank for lecturers
• a thorough paediatrics section describing red cell, white cell and platelet disorders
• over 400 high quality images magnified x 1000
• 30 detailed haematological case studies (online)
• a list of common haematology-related abbreviations
• an online image bank
• expanded coverage of blood cell production, haematopoiesis and disease physiology
• detailed case studies for both adult and paediatric conditions (online)
• approximately 90 new images showing cell morphology and cell ultrastructures
• a comprehensive online teaching and learning package
• aligned with the current World Health Organisation classification standard
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