- Helps you solve difficult diagnostic challenges using highly illustrated, full-color guidance to the recognition of signs in blood cells.
- Shows complex principles more clearly with explanatory illustrations and tables.
- Explores the pathogenesis, clinical, morphologic, and investigational aspects of blood disease with extensive coverage of the pathologic anatomy of common clinical entities.
- Provides quick and easy reference of key diagnostic issues in a comprehensive yet concise format.
- Illustrates diagnosis for even the most difficult blood disorders with over 2700 images―2100 in full color.
- Includes comprehensive coverage of all hematologic disorders including those newly recognized and the latest molecular techniques.
- Demonstrates how the science impacts prognosis and therapy through new illustrations that highlight the pathologic and clinical features.
- Includes and illustrates WHO (2008) Classification of Hematologic Malignancies.
- Provides Expert Consult functionality so you can access the Image Bank online from any internet connection.
- Series: Color Atlas of Clinical Hematology
- 544 pages
- Publisher: Mosby; 4 edition (September 8, 2009)
- Language: English
Color Atlas of Clinical Hematology
by A. Victor Hoffbrand MA DM DSc FRCP FRCP(Edin) (Author), John E. Pettit MD(Otago) FRCPA FRCPath (Author), Paresh Vyas (Author
The completely revised fourth edition of the Color Atlas of Clinical Hematology gives you the most comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-date visual assistance you’ll find in any hematology atlas. It vividly depicts the pathogenesis, clinical, morphologic, and investigational aspects of the full range of blood disorders you’ll see in everyday practice to help you diagnose virtually anything.
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