- 548 pages
- Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub; 1 edition (May 2013)
- Language: English
- Type : PDF
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Mastering Orthopedic Techniques: Intra-articular Fractures 1st Edition
Intra-articular fractures occur on the surface of a bone that meets a joint with another bone. They are more serious than fractures that do not involve a joint space because they are associated with much greater incidence of long-term complications (MediVisuals Inc). Part of the Mastering Orthopedic Techniques series, this comprehensive manual is a complete guide to the surgical management of intra-articular fractures. Beginning with an introduction providing an overview of articular fractures, the following chapters provide a ‘how to’ style commentary, joint by joint and by fracture type. Each chapter provides an understanding of different injuries, practical classifications, challenges in diagnosis and the reasons why one surgical option may be more appropriate than another for a particular fracture type. Each surgical option is described in detail with drawings, clinical photos, surgical techniques, equipment needed, tricks and techniques for reduction and fixation, and an overview of postoperative management, complications and results. Key points *Comprehensive guide to surgical management of intra-articular fractures *Provides ‘how to’ style commentary by joint and fracture type *Includes nearly 1200 full colour drawings and clinical photos *Written by an internationally recognised editor and author team from Europe, the US and Asia
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