- Paperback: 303 pages
- Publisher: Jp Medical Ltd; 1 edition (April 1, 2013)
- Language: English
- Type : PDF
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Injection Techniques in Musculoskeletal Disorders 1st Edition
by Janak Parmar
Injection Techniques in Musculoskeletal Disorders is a comprehensive guide to orthopaedic pain management through injection. It presents an interdisciplinary approach, offering both traditional and alternative methods for diagnosing, treating and managing pain in adults, children and also geriatric patients. Divided into eight sections, the book begins with general concepts in injection technique. The following sections each discuss a different site of injection – shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand, chest, spine, hip and pelvis, and knee and ankle. Each chapter examines in detail, the surface and clinical anatomy, causes of pain and injection techniques, as well as potential pitfalls. More than 350 full colour illustrations and X-Rays assist understanding. Key points * Comprehensive guide to injection techniques in orthopaedics * Examines in detail anatomy, causes of pain and injection techniques for different parts of the body * Presents interdisciplinary approach of both traditional and alternative techniques * Includes more than 350 illustrations and X-Rays
Injection Techniques in Musculoskeletal Disorders is a comprehensive guide to orthopaedic pain management through injection. It presents an interdisciplinary approach, offering both traditional and alternative methods for diagnosing, treating and managing pain in adults, children and also geriatric patients. Divided into eight sections, the book begins with general concepts in injection technique. The following sections each discuss a different site of injection – shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand, chest, spine, hip and pelvis, and knee and ankle. Each chapter examines in detail, the surface and clinical anatomy, causes of pain and injection techniques, as well as potential pitfalls. More than 350 full colour illustrations and X-Rays assist understanding. Key points * Comprehensive guide to injection techniques in orthopaedics * Examines in detail anatomy, causes of pain and injection techniques for different parts of the body * Presents interdisciplinary approach of both traditional and alternative techniques * Includes more than 350 illustrations and X-Rays
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