Essentials of Pharmacoeconomics, 3rd ed (ePub+Converted PDF)
- Updated Composite research articles throughout the text demonstrate how to evaluate the positive and negative aspects found in a mix of published research articles.
- New! Full examples of decision analysis and Markov analysis are available on thePoint.
- Key terms are bolded throughout the textbook, and definitions of these terms are summarized in a glossary. Pharmacoeconomics research uses terminology derived from other disciplines, such as economics, that might not be familiar to all readers.
- Equations readers will need to know are explained using multiple example calculations.
- Questions/Exercises appear at the end of most chapters so that readers can assess their understanding of key concepts. Answers are included at the back of the textbook.
- References and Suggested Readings at the end of each chapter provide resources available to the reader for further study on the chapter topic.
- eBook available. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more.