Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach, 10th Edition (Original PDF)
Prototype drug charts
- provide easy access to key information for representative drugs, including dosages, contraindications, drug-lab-food interactions, pharmacokinetics, and more.
- UNIQUE! Extensive chapter on drug calculations presents six methods of dosage calculation, providing a helpful review and supplement to a dosage calculations textbook.
- UNIQUE! Nursing process summaries highlight important nursing considerations within the framework of the nursing process.
- Consistent RN-standard chapter pedagogy includes: online learning resources on the companion Evolve website, objectives, and outline.
- Critical thinking case studies challenge you to apply your knowledge and analytical skills to realistic patient scenarios. Answer guidelines are provided on the Evolve website.
- Application-level NCLEX study questions include at least one alternate-format question included per chapter.
- Chapter on safety and quality discusses medication errors, specific nursing measures to promote safety, National Patient Safety Goals, and many other safety issues and concerns.
- Prioritization coverage throughout the text helps you learn to prioritize nursing care and differentiate need-to-know from nice-to-know content.
- NEW! Thoroughly updated drug content
- reflects the very latest FDA drug approvals, withdrawals, and therapeutic uses, as well as corresponding updated nursing content.
- NEW! New nursing concepts have been added to the nursing processes to further support conceptual learning and higher-level thinking.
- NEW! New chapter on pharmacogenetics details how a patient’s genetic makeup may affect his or her response to drugs.
- NEW! Additional student review questions have been added to thoroughly prepare you for the growing pharmacology coverage on the NCLEX Exam.
- NEW! Updated antihypertensive guidelines (published in November 2017) ensure you are up to date on the latest best practices regarding drugs used to treat high blood pressure.
- NEW! Updated nursing processes have been added for more consistency from chapter to chapter.