- Combines the biology and pathophysiology of hematology as well as the diagnosis and treatment of commonly encountered hematological disorders in one volume.
- Access the latest knowledge in genetics and genomics
- eBook features 300 online self-assessment questions for reviewing material and preparing for Board exams.
- Packed with more than 1,500 tables and figures.
- Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
- Hardcover: 2432 pages
- Publisher: LWW; Fourteenth edition (December 6, 2018)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1496347420
- ISBN-13: 978-1496347428
- Format: PDF Convent
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Wintrobe’s Clinical Hematology Fourteenth Edition PDF
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This extensive title, which combines scientific principles with up-to-date clinical procedures, has been thoroughly updated for the fourteenth edition. You’ll find in-depth material on the biology and pathophysiology of lymphomas, leukemias, platelet destruction, and other hematological disorders as well as the procedures for diagnosing and treating them.
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