Ultrasonography of the Upper Extremity: Elbow 2018 ORIGINAL PDF
This book on elbow ultrasonography is a practice-oriented book, offering a wealth of high-quality ultrasound images, and providing clear, concise, and comprehensive coverage of the normal anatomy as well as the main pathologic conditions of the elbow. The ultrasound images have been obtained using state-of-the-art scanners and carefully labeled to facilitate recognition of each condition. The book also provides a helpful comparison of the images and findings obtained using other diagnostic techniques, including magnetic resonance imaging. The text is complemented by practical tables summarizing key points for ease of reference.
Ultrasonography of the Upper Extremity: Elbow is a rich source of information on the anatomy, examination techniques and ultrasound appearances of one of the anatomic regions to have benefited most from the technological revolution that has taken place in the field of ultrasonography in recent years. The book appeals to both novice and experienced practitioners, including above all radiologists and ultrasound technicians, as well as rheumatologists and orthopedic surgeons.