Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Using a Full Open Approach: A Revolution in Rhinoplasty
Introducing the revolutionary Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Using a Full Open Approach course by Dr. Olivier Gerbault, which showcases the use of piezoelectric instruments (PEI) in rhinoplasty. Over the last few years, the use of PEI has dramatically changed the rhinoplasty procedure, allowing for safe and precise bone and stiff cartilage removal without damaging soft tissues like skin, mucosa, and nerves. Unlike mechanical osteotomes, PEI do not create radiated fractures on bones and can extend bony vault dissection through an extended subperiosteal bony vault undermining. This approach enables surgeons to assess anatomic variations, mobilize and orient each bone precisely with piezo saws, and sculpt bones precisely with special rasps or a scraper.
PEI can also incrementally remove bones without damaging the underlying soft tissues, preserving the osseocartilaginous attachments at the keystone area and avoiding step deformities at the junction between bones and cartilages. This method allows for easy and safe bone osteosynthesis with sutures to stabilize bones in primary or secondary rhinoplasty. Piezo rasps smooth all the bony irregularities after osteotomy, leaving an unoperated feel to the new dorsum.
This disruptive technology represents a paradigm shift in managing the bones from a blind treatment where bones are broken to an open approach where bones are reshaped and mobilized with perfect control. Dr. Olivier Gerbault has been developing techniques and piezo instruments for ultrasonic rhinoplasty since 2013 and demonstrates all of the rhinoplasty techniques achieved by piezosurgery in this course.
The Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Using a Full Open Approach course includes surgeries on primary male and female patients with various nasal humps, overprojected and asymmetric nasal tips, septal deviations, and valve dysfunction. The surgeries showcase piezo hump reduction, complete osteotomies, ultrasonic septoplasty, asymmetric osteotomies and bone reshaping, partial osteotomies, tip reshaping, and piezo rib graft harvest for septal reconstruction, tip reconstruction, and valve reconstruction.
The course is available in HD streaming or on 4 DVDs and runs for approximately 9 hours. After confirmation of payment via PayPal, we will send you the ebook download link. Visa or MasterCard payments are accepted. Don’t miss out on this innovative and comprehensive course on Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Using a Full Open Approach.
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