- Hardcover: 480 pages
- Publisher: Plural Publishing, Inc.; 2 edition (August 31, 2015)
- Language: English
- Type : PDF
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The Performer’s Voice, Second Edition 2nd Edition
he Performer s Voice, Second Edition presents a comprehensive approach to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of voice disorders as well as up-to-date voice care and injury prevention information–specifically related to actors, singers, and other voice professionals. This second edition is completely updated with six new chapters and contributions from leading voice professionals.
Written in an accessible, straightforward style, The Performer s Voice, Second Edition appeals to medical professionals, vocal coaches, and professional performers. This text not only serves as an effective resource for practitioners and clinicians who provide state-of-the-art treatment to voice professionals, but also provides professional vocalists and coaches with insight into what to look for when seeking treatment.
The authors have dedicated their careers to voice disorders and prevention of voice injury as well as education and research to advance the science and art of voice care. The diversity of authors backgrounds supports the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in the care of voice disorders.
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