The Digital Echo Atlas: A Multimedia Reference (EPUB and CONVERTED PDF)
• Hundreds of topics with accompanying echo clips, images, and figures
• Multi-modality imaging of many conditions; MRI, EKG, and CT scans covering the entire heart structure and the full range of cardiovascular abnormalities, where relevant
• The opportunity to easily view more than 1000 echo clips as they would appear in the lab, including those you may not encounter regularly
• Case presentations that offer a better understanding of particular conditions and how they should be approachedIn the companion book, you’ll find highly illustrated, full-color coverage which is enhanced by the digital material available through the eBook bundle. The print volume is both a quick clinical reference and a useful guide to the wealth of digital content, as well as a source of practical information such as transducer maneuvers, ASE guidelines, Abbreviations, fundamentals of producing an echocardiogram, and case presentations.
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