The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology SAE Edition (Original PDF)
The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology has been thoroughly reviewed andedited by a group of renowned oncologists from reputed government and privatecancer institutes of India to make the contents relevant and useful for the studentsand practitioners of oncology of the Indian subcontinent and South Asia.
Salient features:
• Data and evidences from India and South Asia have been added.
• All the chapters have been edited and updated as per most recent availableevidences and guidelines.
• More emphasis has been given to the type of cancers more commonly seen in thispart of the world such as head and neck cancer, cancer cervix, breast cancer, etc.
• Chapters of basics of radiation oncology and medical oncology have beenrevised. Additional and relevant information on cancer surgery has been addedin each chapter.
• A management flowchart has been added at the end of each chapter for easyunderstanding and ready reference in the clinic.