- Contains 350 questions specifically mapped to the MRCS syllabus as defined by the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Project (ISCP)
- Questions and explanatory revision notes are combined into one volume
- Contains a substantial number of patient-based questions, which enable candidates to test their ability to integrate key basic science concepts with relevant clinical problems
- Series: Oxford Specialty Training
- Paperback: 192 pages
- Publisher: Oxford University Press; 01 edition (February 7, 2013)
- Language: English
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SBA MCQs for the MRCS Part A: Oxford Specialty Training
Specifically designed to help candidates revise for the MRCS exam, this book features 350 Single Best Answer multiple choice questions, covering the whole syllabus. Containing everything candidates need to pass the MRCS Part A SBA section of the exam, it focuses intensively on the application of basic sciences (applied surgical anatomy, physiology, and pathology) to the management of surgical patients.
The high level of detail included within the questions and their explanations allows effective self-assessment of knowledge and quick identification of key areas requiring further attention. Varying approaches to Single Best Answer multiple choice questions are used, giving effective exam practice and guidance through revision and exam technique. This includes clinical case questions, ‘positively-worded’ questions, requiring selection of the most appropriate of relatively correct answers; ‘two-step’ or ‘double-jump’ questions, requiring several cognitive steps to arrive at the correct answer; as well as ‘factual recall’ questions, prompting basic recall of facts.
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