Pediatric Dermatology: A Quick Reference Guide, 3ed (Original PDF)
- All chapters have been updated and resvised
- 13 new chapters:
- Acrodermatitis Enteropathica
- Aplasia Cutis Congenita
- Dermoid Cysts
- Epidermal Nevi
- Erythema Nodosum
- Henoch–Schönlein Purpura
- Juvenile Plantar Dermatosis
- Kwashiorkor
- Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
- Pigmentary Mosaicism — Hyperpigmented
- Pigmentary Mosaicism — Hypopigmented
- Pityriasis Lichenoides
- Polymorphous Light Eruption
- New section on Nutritional Dermatoses
- Updated section on lice therapy
- Expanded discussion of infantile hemangioma treatments