- Videos with closed captioning, available online on Thiemes MediaCenter, demonstrate the clinical testing techniques discussed in the book
- Detailed explanations of test protocols enable audiologists and otolaryngologists to use audiologic data to make thoughtful and effective management decisions for infants and children with hearing loss
- Step-by-step guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric hearing and balance disorders give students practical information they need and help practitioners accurately evaluate patients
- Paperback: 424 pages
- Publisher: Thieme; 2 edition (November 1, 2013)
- Language: English
Pediatric Audiology: Diagnosis, Technology, and Management 2nd Edition
A new edition of a classic pediatric audiology text
Written by pioneering experts in the field, this updated and expanded edition of Pediatric Audiology focuses on the practical application of audiology principles and protocols that audiologists and graduate students need to master. It features new chapters on vestibular testing of children, bone anchored hearing aids, and interpretation of audiologic test results, as well as describing in detail the red flags that audiologists should know to identify and manage the barriers to a childs optimal auditory development.
Key Features:
Graduate students in audiology will read this text cover to cover and practicing audiologists will frequently refer to it in their daily practice.
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Type : PDF . NVA , Epub
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