- Step-by-step coverage includes discussions of alternate approaches and controversial issues, as well as patient evaluation, patient selection, and patient counseling for every procedure
- Detailed, color illustrations and photographs depict the full range otologic surgical techniques.
- New sections cover pediatric aspects of numerous procedures and considerations for revision surgeries.
- Meticulous updates throughout reflect the latest surgical procedures and practices, including changes in existing techniques.
Product Details
- 832 pages
- Publisher: Elsevier; 4 edition (December 15, 2015)
- Language: English
Type : PDF . NVA , Epub
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Otologic Surgery, 4 Edition
by Derald Brackmann MD
Now in brilliant full color, Otologic Surgery, 4th Edition, by Drs. Derald Brackmann, Clough Shelton, and Moses A. Arriaga, offers comprehensive, step-by-step coverage of the full range of surgeries of the ear and skull base. Through crisp line drawings, high-quality photographs, and more than 50 procedural videos online, it provides detailed visual guidance that highlights the clinical expertise of dozens of the most respected specialists in the field. From cover to cover, you’ll find the authoritative guidance you need to hone your surgical skills and ensure optimal outcomes for your patients.