- Publisher : Cambridge University Press; 1st edition (November 29, 2017)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 260 pages
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OSCE Guide for the ABA Applied Examination 1st Edition PDF
The OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) component of the ABA Applied exam is a new concept that involves a number of ‘live’ practical stations in which candidates must demonstrate communication, professionalism and technical skills to the examiners. This book covers topics that are outlined in the ABA curriculum, presented in a way that emulates the OSCE exam setting, and will help candidates prepare for the exam and test their knowledge. Each station is constructed in clear, logical fashion to make the revision of individual topics more accessible. The sample questions and answers allow self-testing and are complemented by discussions, numerous illustrations and up-to-date clinical guidelines which follow modern-day anesthetic practice. The OSCE Guide for the ABA Applied Examination is a must-have resource which will help candidates further understand and prepare for the OSCE process.
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