- The latest in surgical protocols for OMS and Orthodontics puts you at the forefront of the orthognathic surgery field.
- Logically organized material aids you prior to developing treatment plans or in surgery.
- Over 5,000 new photos and illustrations boost your understanding of key teaching points and surgical techniques.
- Over 40 videos from Dr. Posnick’s archive available on the companion website.
Product Details
- Hardcover: 1864 pages
- Publisher: Saunders; 1 Har/Psc edition (October 4, 2013)
- Language: English
Orthognathic Surgery – 2 Volume Set: Principles and Practice, 1e
by Jeffrey C. Posnick DMD MD FRCS(C) FACS (Author)
“It is an excellent all round educational source for any practitioner and the owner of this text is unlikely to need any other textbook on orthognathic surgery.” By British Dental Journal, Jan 2015
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