- New Insights to Neuroimmune Biology investigates the mechanisms that and functions of the Neuroimmune Regulatory Supersystem. Covering molecular regulation of cytokines in brain astrocytes, immunoregulation by the sympathetic nervous system, circadian regulation of immune reactions, antigen recognition by the CNS, the modulation of the immune response by head injury, neurogenic inflammation, the role of tachykinins in asthma and allergic disease, defence and defeat reactions, cytokines, behavior and affective disorders, increased activity of type 1 helper T cell functions after reward stimulation.
- This book has relevance to the entire scientific community in Biology, Medicine and Veterinary medicine as it discusses molecular, cellular, organic and systemic aspects as well as the physological, pathophysiological and behavioral mechnisms which are involved in Neuroimmiune Biology.
- Paperback: 284 pages
- Publisher: Elsevier (May 27, 2010)
- Language: English.
- Format: PDF Original
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New Insights to Neuroimmune Biology
by Istvan Berczi (Editor)
Product Details