- Hardcover: 312 pages
- Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (October 6, 2014)
- Language: English
- Type : PDF
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Microbiology of Drinking Water: Production and Distribution 1st Edition
by Gabriel Bitton (Author)
Microbiology of Drinking Water Production andDistribution addresses the public health aspects of drinkingwater treatment and distribution. It explains the different watertreatment processes, such as pretreatment, coagulation,flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, and theirimpacts on waterborne microbial pathogens and parasites.
Drinking water quality may be degraded in water distributionsystems—microorganisms form biofilms within distributionsystems that allow them to flourish. Various methodologies havebeen proposed to assess the bacterial growth potential in waterdistribution systems.
Microbiology of Drinking Water Production and Distributionalso places drinking water quality and public health issues incontext; it addresses the effect of bioterrorism on drinking watersafety, particularly safeguards that are in place to protectconsumers against the microbial agents involved. In addition, thetext delves into research on drinking water quality in developingcountries and the low-cost treatment technologies that could savelives. The text also examines the microbiological water quality ofbottled water, often misunderstood by the public at large
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