- Paperback: 128 pages
- Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 4 edition (April 23, 2012)
- Language: English
- Type : PDF
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Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance 4th Edition
by Stephen Gillespie
This concise and popular introduction to medical microbiology andinfection encapsulates the fundamental facts and principles of thisrapidly growing and changing subject area. Written by experiencedclinicians and teachers, it covers the basic concepts of medicalmicrobiology, and the main human pathogens and infectioussyndromes, in an accessible and lucid format.
This fully updated fourth edition is now supported by acompanion website at
Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance is aninvaluable revision aid for medical and allied health students andjunior doctors, and is ideal for anyone seeking a comprehensive andconcise guide to this subject area.
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