- Publisher : Cambridge University Press; 3rd edition (December 1, 2016)
- Language: : English
- Hardcover : 518 pages
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Leong’s Manual of Diagnostic Antibodies for Immunohistology 3rd Edition PDF
Providing a unique A-Z guide to antibodies for immunohistology, this is an indispensable source for pathologists to ensure the correct application of immunohistochemistry in daily practice. Each entry includes commercial sources, clones, descriptions of stained proteins/epitopes, the full staining spectrum of normal and tumor tissues, staining pattern and cellular localization, the range of conditions of immunoreactivity, and pitfalls of the antibody’s immunoprofile, giving pathologists a truly thorough quick-reference guide to sources, preparation and applications of specific antibodies. Appendices provide useful quick-reference tables of antibody panels for differential diagnoses, as well as summaries of diagnostic applications. Expanded from previous editions with over forty new entries, this handbook for diagnostic, therapeutic, prognostic and research applications of antibodies is an essential desktop book for practicing pathologists as well as researchers, residents and trainees
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