Implants in the Anterior Region – Surgical Techniques for Ultimate Esthetics
The current advances in regenerative dentistry give us the ability to achieve a perfect harmony between hard and soft tissues around teeth, as well as the smile and the rest of the face. Periodontal plastic surgery in combination with implant placement can correct the mucogingival problems created from tooth loss, and reconstitute tissues in order to achieve a natural esthetic appearance of the soft tissues around restorations. We will describe the basic biologic principals that play a role in the wound healing and the appearance of the soft tissues around teeth and implants, and we will try to understand the factors that determine the predictability of the outcome.
Several surgical techniques that can improve the final esthetic outcome will be presented in detail. The timing of implant placement together with several augmentation procedures will also be evaluated to identify the predictability of each procedure.
Product Details Video
Featured Faculty: Dr. Spyros Karatzas
Running Time: 58 min
Language: English
Release Date: October 02, 2012
Format: FLV
Size : 456 MB
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