Histology and Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology, 5th Edition (Original PDF)
- Features new content on cancer immunotherapy, satellite cells and muscle repair, vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in relation to cancer treatment, and mitochondria replacement therapies.
- Presents new material on ciliogenesis, microtubule assembly and disassembly, chromatin structure and condensation, and X chromosome inactivation, which directly impact therapy for ciliopathies, infertility, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.
- Provides thoroughly updated information on gestational trophoblastic diseases, molecular aspects of breast cancer, and basic immunology, including new illustrations on the structure of the T-cell receptor, CD4+ cells subtypes and functions, and the structure of the human spleen.
- Uses a new, light green background throughout the text to identify essential concepts of histology – a feature requested by both students and instructors to quickly locate which concepts are most important for beginning learners or when time is limited. These essential concepts are followed by more detailed information on cell biology and pathology.
- Contains new Primers in most chapters that provide a practical, self-contained integration of histology, cell biology, and pathology – perfect for clarifying the relationship between basic and clinical sciences.
- Identifies clinical terms throughout the text and lists all clinical boxes in the table of contents for quick reference.
- Helps students understand the links between chapter concepts with concept mapping animations on Student Consult™ – an outstanding supplement to in-class instruction.