- Organized into twelve sections: The Cellular Basis of Hematopoiesis; Cardinal Manifestations of Hematologic Diseases; Anemias, Myeloproliferative Disorders; Hematologic Malignancies; Disorders of Hemostasis; Biology of Cancer; Principles of Cancer Prevention and Treatment; Neoplastic Disorders; Endocrine Neoplasia; Remote Effects of Cancer; and Oncologic Emergencies and Late Effects Complications
- Each chapter contents relevant information on the genetics, cell biology, pathophysiology, and treatment of specific disease entities
- Chapters on hematopoiesis, cancer cell biology, and cancer prevention reflect the rapidly growing body of knowledge in these areas
- Integration of pathophysiology with clinical management
- 153 high-yield questions and answers drawn from Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine Self-Assessment and Board Review, 18e
- Content updates and new developments since the publication of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 18e
- 55 chapters written by physicians who are recognized experts in the field of hematology and oncology
- Helpful appendix of laboratory values of clinical importance
- Print Length: 848 pages
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education / Medical; 2 edition (March 22, 2013)
- Language: English
Harrison’s Hematology and Oncology
by Dan Longo (Author)
Featuring a superb compilation of chapters on hematology and oncology that appear in Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Eighteenth Edition, this concise, full-color clinical companion delivers the latest knowledge in the field backed by the scientific rigor and authority that have definedHarrison’s. You will find content from renowned editors and contributors in a carry-anywhere presentation that is ideal for the classroom, clinic, ward, or exam/certification preparation.
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