Facial and Nasal Support and Soft Tissue Aesthetic Harmony With Double Jaw Orthognathic, Genioplasty, and Rhinoplasty
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This video series focuses on procedures performed to alter facial and nasal balance and support, including double jaw orthognathic surgery, genioplasty, facial bone contouring, use of bone grafting and alloplastic implants, rhinoplasty, fat grafting, buccal fat removal, and submental lipectomy. The rhinoplasties featured include excessive prominence and access deviations, overprojection, and postmaxillary osteotomy (Le Fort-I) deformities. The double jaw orthognathic surgery and genioplasty cases are carried out following artistic careful planning, to position the facial skeleton for optimal harmony and aesthetics. Ancillary procedures – hard and soft-tissue based – are performed to ensure the best aesthetic result.
7 Cases With Over 7 Hours of Operative Video!
Case 1: Aesthetic orthognathic surgery in a patient with convex profile, small mandible, gummy smile, open bite, and nasal deformity
Case 2: Aesthetic orthognathic surgery in a patient with prognathic/prominent and axis deviation
Case 3: Rhinoplasty in a postorthognathic patient to correct severe nasal prominence and axis deviation
Case 4: Aesthetic primary rhinoplasty with axis deviation, dorsal hump, and an underprojected tip
Case 5: Aesthetic primary deprojection rhinoplasty for feminization
Case 6: Aesthetic orthognathic surgery (double jaw, genioplasty) in a skeletally mature bilateral cleft patient
Case 7: Aesthetic orthognathic surgery and facial/malar implants to treat a concave profile with significant mandibular prominence, asymmetry, and midface/malar hypoplasia
Coming Soon in HD Streaming format. Over 7 hours of operative video. Available August 2024.
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