- Paperback: 526 pages
- Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 2 edition (June 10, 2013)
- Language: English
- Type : PDF
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Essential Microbiology 2nd Edition
by Stuart Hogg
Essential Microbiology 2nd Edition is a fully revisedcomprehensive introductory text aimed at students taking a firstcourse in the subject. It provides an ideal entry into theworld of microorganisms, considering all aspects of their biology(structure, metabolism, genetics), and illustrates the remarkablediversity of microbial life by devoting a chapter to each of themain taxonomic groupings. The second part of the book introducesthe reader to aspects of applied microbiology, exploring theinvolvement of microorganisms in areas as diverse as food and drinkproduction, genetic engineering, global recycling systems andinfectious disease.
Essential Microbiology explains the key points of each topic butavoids overburdening the student with unnecessary detail. Now infull colour it makes extensive use of clear line diagrams toclarify sometimes difficult concepts or mechanisms. A companion website includes further material including MCQs, enabling the studentto assess their understanding of the main concepts that have beencovered.
This edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect thedevelopments that have occurred in recent years and includes acompletely new section devoted to medical microbiology. Students of any life science degree course will find this a conciseand valuable introduction to microbiology.
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