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Author: Gupta Shakti Kumar, Kant Sunil, Singh Angel Rajan
The book explains the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) systems in various countries with their strategies, guidelines and developments. EMS system is a vast system in itself and requires conjoint functioning of many areas. There is a need to be standardization of processes, facilities and equipment to make sure that the complete system runs smoothly. Training, documentation and communication along with standardization can improve the outcome. Emergency Department (ED) is a dynamic area of the hospital, where new changes happen every day; this causes quality to change accordingly and job is to keep looking for these new areas. The book also discusses various transportation means to hospital, i.e. ambulance and helicopter with its application and designing. It also explains that how the EMS system works in disastrous situations like chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear disasters. Various case studies are discussed with tips of how to improve the EMS system. More specialized services have to be established for better care and new services.