- Paperback: 202 pages
- Publisher: Jp Medical Ltd; 1 edition (March 2014)
- Language: English
Emergencies in Otorhinolaryngology 1st Edition
Emergencies in ENT are frequently encountered in the department of Otorhinolaryngology, and Head and Neck Surgery (ORL and HNS) but there is hardly any text book available exclusively on this important subject for the benefit of medical students and residents in ORL and HNS. The Medical Council of India has also stressed on starting Trauma and emergency departments in all the medical colleges of India including post-graduation in engineering medicine. Keeping in view all these aspects, this book is written comprehensively to cover all the common emergencies in ENT like Epistaxis, Maxillofacial Trauma, stridor, neck space infections, vertigo, foreign bodies, airway obstruction and Tracheostomy, etc. which is essential for any student of ENT to develop the clinical competency for successful patient management in emergencies. The topics covered are mandatory for problem based learning and will definitely serve as a guide to the practicing ENT specialist including undergraduate and postgraduate students of ENT. The author will update in the future edition after getting constructive criticism, valuable opinion, suggestions and feedback from the esteemed readers.
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