- Paperback: 661 pages
- Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub; 1 Pap/Psc edition (October 2012)
- Language: English
Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat: Head and Neck Surgery 1 Edition
The book Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat is comprehensive and of broader scope and is designed for students, residents and practitioners alike. It offers a balanced presentation of content and emphasizes the practical features of clinical diagnosis and patient management. The reader will find boxes, tables, flow charts, line diagrams and photographs, which serve to enhance learning. The students will like the simplicity, directness and clarity. Each chapter includes clear, compelling, and up-to-date discussions and expertly executed and generously sized art. The brevity, conciseness, readable format and easy accessibility of key information will facilitate efficient use in any practice setting. Each page is carefully laid out to place related text, figures, and tables near one another to minimize the need for page turning. To provide an overview, each chapter begins with the list of its content and ends with further reading section. Chapters on anatomy of neck including thyroid, bacteria and antibiotics, fungi and viruses including H1N1 influenza, diagnostic imaging including CT anatomy of ENT and anesthesia. Each chapter has clinical highlights section for the quick revision of the students. This section has been especially prepared for answering frequently asked MCQs (PGME, USMLE and PLAB), short-answer questions and oral/viva questions. The appendix contains top 101 clinical secrets and problem-oriented cases which will be of immense use and interest to the readers.
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