Depression Conceptualization and Treatment(ORIGINAL PDF)
This book aims to open a dialogue between the long psychoanalytic tradition on depression disorder categories and the behavioral-empirical tradition by collecting contributions of experts within both respective fields on the conceptualization and treatment these disorders. The book includes chapters on conceptualization and treatment of depression from mentalization-based therapy, second wave cognitive-behavioral, and third wave CBT (ACT) perspectives; treatment of depression in a partial hospital setting; prevention of suicide; social perceptions of depression including social aspects such as gender; and case studies on the treatment of depression and bipolar depression. It provides a unique combination of current empirical findings on etiology of depression and suicide, treatment considerations and practical recommendations, treatment in different settings, and combinations of different theoretical perspectives that can enrich a therapist’s repertoire of tools for understanding and approaching depression. The book presents various theoretical approaches without adhering to any singular perspective, but with an effort to highlight common underlying themes such as loss, self-esteem, guilt, grief, and emotion regulation as these permeate various approaches. In this way a combination of science and practice are presented that constitute an excellent resource for researchers, clinicians, and students of mental health professions.